Free webinar for parents
NEPS will be presenting the webinar for parents: 'reading with children, how it builds vocabularies'. Reading aloud to children from a very young age underpins future literacy development. It is the single most important parental activity for helping reading success (Bredekamp, Copple & Newman, 2000).
Children can listen to stories at a much higher level than they can read, so reading aloud makes complex ideas more accessible and exposes children to vocabulary, background knowledge and speech patterns that are not part of everyday speech. This, in turn, will familiarise children to the structure of books when they read independently (Fountas & Pinnell, 1996).
Reading aloud to children also allows less skilled readers to access the same rich and engaging books that strong readers can read on their own, and encourages them to become better readers. Pupils of any age benefit enormously being read aloud from high quality books.
This webinar is aimed at parents of children in the preschool or primary school age range.