A message from Mr. FitzGerald
We would like to sincerely thank all of our families for continuing to adhere so carefully to public health advice, and for the huge efforts they are making to keep our school community safe. Every effort and precaution has been taken by the school to ensure the highest possible level of compliance with HSE and Department of Education guidelines. We are very confident in the measures we have taken and want to commend the children on how well they have adapted to the new school routines. There may, however, come a time when a case comes to our school. If this does occur and there is a confirmed, identified risk to your child (as per public health guidelines), you will be contacted immediately.
Sacramental ceremonies have been postponed, not cancelled, purely as a precautionary measure in the interest of public safety due to a rising number of cases in the Mid-Kerry area. These will be rescheduled for a time the school and diocese feel is safe. Contrary to some misleading reports in the media recently, this is not due to a case of Covid 19 in our school. Faha N.S., to date, has not had and does not currently have any confimed cases of Covid 19 in the school.